InLight 2013

Interactive video with EEG headset

InLight Richmond is an annual public exhibition of interactive light-based art in the tradition of Nuit Blanche (White Night) where the city becomes a museum. For a single night the streets of Richmond glow with light-based art, sculpture and performances.

Niemczyk’s project this year was OUt Of MINd, an interactive large scale video projection reflecting the viewer’s EEG.

OUtOfMINd is a reflection of the mind as technology. Living life halfway in the matrix we experience daily an accelerating trajectory of technological ’progress’. As witnesses we struggle to adapt. As participants we face a series of choices - the ramifications may not be immediately apparent. OUtOfMINd reads EEGs where the opaque becomes transparent. It interprets and translates brainwaves into visual space. Although OUtOfMINd does not store data, it could. Consider its technological offspring’s future and its power. Consider the little box you check - “I agree to the terms of the Service and Privacy Policy“. Consider your thoughts. Consider your control, knowing or not. Visible. Beautiful. Public.

InLight Richmond is Organized by 1708 Gallery. This year’s juror was Ken Farmer, the Co-Founder and Creative Director of Nuit Blanche New York. In December the gallery was awarded a $20,000 grant from the National Endowment of the Arts to produce the November 8 event.

Niemczyk's Out Of Mind